People interested in living in a cohousing community in Sonoma (Earth-Village per Native Americans) County. Hoping to develop a green, sustainable community of positive thinking, conscious souls who aren't afraid to make friends with their neighbors, enjoy communal dinners they've helped make from bounty they've helped grow in the community's organic gardens. Do you even KNOW your neighbors' names? In CoHousing you will - and enjoy them in inspiring conversations on your front porch, communal dinners several times a month, decision making meetings and groups on common issues where YOU decide your own living rules on a consensus basis. Individually owned energy efficient homes in community of like minded people surrounding a larger Community Center with kitchen, dining/meeting/dance/class room. Live surrounded by Nature and people whom you know as supportive, inspirational friends, people you make decisions with on the common issues TOGETHER! Take control of your life and live happily ever after! Come, see what we're all about. Our 1st Meet & Greet is on June 11th. See details and RSVP NOW before we fill up !
Earth Village Cohousing Potluck Picnic
June 11, 2016 at 11:00am - 4pm
Ragle Ranch Regional Park
500 Ragle Rd
Sebastopol, CA 95472
United States
Google map and directions
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Marlene Ebinger is hosting Earth Village Cohousing Potluck Picnic
2016-06-11 07:55:57 -0700