Frog Song
A Cohousing Community Downtown in a North Bay Small Town
An intentional community of 30 households located in a small city roughly one hour north of San Francisco, residents share 12-16 meals per month in a common house that also provides laundry facilities and meeting space. Consensus decision-making.

Frogsong Cohousing is a typical cohousing community in that we are not organized around any particular religious, economic, political, or lifestyle focus, other than our intention to create a neighborhood that by its physical design and social structure facilitates community. Though we still have private lives, community dinners and workdays are a part of our lives. Our community includes singles, couples with and without children, and single parents in townhouse-style attached homes. Each household occupies a private on-site residence with its own kitchen. The residences are mostly owner-occupied, not rentals. Our common house also includes a kitchen, dining room, guest rooms, children's room, and a workshop.
We're a little different from many cohousing communities in that we were required by the city of Cotati to include 6700 square feet of retail space as part of our development. We decided to keep ownership of this retail space as a community. We now live next door to a handful of locally-owned small businesses.
We work together to maintain our lush landscape. Using a consensus-based decision-making process, we resolve our conflicts through dialogue. We meet once monthly for two-hour business and community-development meetings.
FrogSong is not a commune or co-op, nor are we affiliated with any religious organization.