What is Zoning? What is Plan Bay Area? How come we are not building enough affordable housing in the Bay Area? How did my neighborhood get shaped and become what it is today?
This is part of a series of workshops hosted by East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO), a regional group of affordable-housing groups. EBCOHO is an EBHO Member, but we are not formally affiliated.
The Resident and Community Organizing Program (RCOP), organized by EBHO, engages thousands of affordable housing residents, especially in Oakland, to take action on local, regional and statewide housing issues. Supporting residents with the knowledge and skills to impact policies and programs for housing justice.
While this is NOT a cohousing-focussed gathering and not run by EBCOHO, we think these topics are very important for anyone looking to create community, either market-rate, affordable or (ideally) a mix, to understand. Plus you'll meet a lot of cool people leading the way in tackling the area's housing crisis.
Note: RSVPing via EBCOHO is not enough. Be sure to let EBHO know via their website:
Plan Bay Area is a long-range integrated transportation and land-use/housing strategy through 2040 for the San Francisco Bay Area. On July 18, 2013, the Plan was jointly approved by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board and by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). The Plan includes the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy and the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan and represents the next iteration of a planning process that has been in place for decades.