On Sunday, March 8, @Communify San Diego continues with an afternoon tour and in-depth talks at Emerald Village, just north of San Diego in Vista, CA.
Time: 1:30 to 6pm. Tour starts at 1:30; followed by sharing and in-depth presentation, Q&A, and open conversation on the Nuts and Bolts of Creating New Cohousing and Eco-villages: developing core groups, ownership and financing structures, membership recruitment, operations and governance.
Featuring Cohousing Coaches at East Bay Cohousing, Raines & Betsy, and special guest, Lois Arkin of Los Angeles Eco-Village.
Suggested Sliding Scale, $15 - $35; Free to all members of the Emerald Village Organization, kids too!
Thank you to local Communify SD co-host, Jonah Mesritz and Lauren of @Activated Villages for making this visit possible.
@Emerald Village is in Vista, CA 45 minutes north of San Diego.
The Emerald Village is a chosen family of healers, educators, and creators building space for heart-centered community. Our vision is the creation of a home for our members in which everyone contributes, utilizing natural abilities while developing new skills, and sharing the responsibility to maintain the sacred nature of the space.
As a group we strive to support each other’s personal, spiritual, and economic growth, to be in service to our greater community, and to be good stewards of our land. We do this because we are passionate about creating a sustainable, conscious environment in which to raise families and deepen our connections with each other. We believe in the importance of innovation because we wish to live a life in which celebration and love are important components of our work.