Jewish Cohousing in SF:Planning meeting

Urban Moshav is partnering as a non-profit developer of Jewish CohousingAt this meeting, we'll assemble a diverse group and together develop both a vision and concrete plans for making "San Francisco Moshav" a reality. Just picture what it would be like...

  • To live in a real village, knowing your neighbors well and engaging deeply in community life.
  • For much of this engagement to be through Jewish ritual, learning, culture, and values.
  • To create such a Jewish cohousing community in San Francisco!

Berkeley Moshav members visiting Berkeley (CA) Cohousing

(Berkeley Moshav future neighbors touring Berkeley cohousing) 


January 03, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm


Noe Valley Library
451 Jersey St
San Francisco, CA 94114
United States
Google map and directions


Urban Moshav ·


hedi Roger Studley Raines Cohen

Will you come?