A gathering of pioneers, seekers, neighbors, organizers, dreamers, trainers, leaders, and activists reclaiming a more sustainable world through intentional communities, cooperative culture, deep democracy, and participatory economics.
Saturday, March 7 2015 9am-6pm at San Diego Friends Center
Plus Friday and Sunday bonus events
People in intentional and traditional communities around the world are already living green, peaceful, and abundant ways of life.
Reclaiming the power of cooperative human connections, people everywhere have been asking questions that lead back to more satisfying lives. We're busy reinventing what we own and what we can share, how we house ourselves, spend time, grow food, earn a living, do business, invest money, and participate in our neighborhoods and local governments.
Get the jump on Earth Day. Meet, learn, share, and break bread with old and new friends across community movements throughout southern California. There's plenty of time to network and strategize next steps forward.
Sustainable Community is Within Reach!
Communify San Diego is an unconference. Using "open space technology" we will convene a marketplace of ideas when everyone can propose sessions on the topics they are most interested in. Sessions can be skills-sharing, discussions, interviews, games, or presentations. Opportunities to get to know each other will include "Speed Dating" and "Deepening Connection" sessions. Other sessions both proposed and invited include:
- What makes a healthy and thriving intentional community?
- Overview of cohousing and ecovillages
- Legal structures for shared ownership of land and businesses
- Tiny Home Ecovillages - truly low-impact and affordable
- Transition Town and Sustainable San Diego initiatives
- Wisdom Circles
- Natural building for affordable housing - Earthships
- Finding and financing property for new communities
- Complementary currencies and time banks
- Community land trusts
- Sharing Leadership - Tools for Good Group Process in Communities
- Conscious Elders & Aging in Community
- Post-Occupy Organizing of the Commons
- Sacred Economics
- Slow Money, Crowdfunding, & Participatory Budgeting
We'll share opening and closing circles, a panel of special speakers, info tables for partner groups, raffle prizes to benefit Fellowship for Intentional Community. Morning coffee, healthy snacks and lunch are provided.
Featured Presenters & Moderators
Diana Leafe Christian, "Author of Creating a Life Together and Finding Community; communities consultant, workshop trainer, and international speaker and conference presenter." From 1-2pm, Diana will present on "Three Aspects of a Healthy, Thriving Intentional Community."
Lois Arkin, Founder of Los Angeles Eco-Village;
Alex Cota, CASA: Consejo de Asentamientos Sustentables de las Américas (Global Ecovillage Network of the Americas)
Raines Cohen, certified Senior Cohousing Coach, East Bay CoHousing, Cohousing California, and co-founder of Swan's Market Cohousing, Oakland, CA, and the Conscious Elders Network.
Betsy Morris, PhD, Cohousing Researchers Network, and author of "Making Cohousing Affordable," and "Urban Redevelopment and the Emerging Community Sector."
Plus YOU, bringing the topics you want to learn about or share. (Check "Who's Coming" for updates)
Join us March 7! Register to name your interests and receive updates.
Purchase Tickets:
$65 in advance; $75 at the door. $100 Patrons (support scholarships). Partner discounts, work-trade/volunteer rebates are still available or call 619-457-6198 (voice/SMS) for more information.
Add-on Events
Weeknight showing of Within Reach, Friday evening at colab.
Sunday 1:30-6:30pm - Tour and Half Day Intensive at Emerald Village in Rio Vista, specifically on the nuts and bolts of developing cohousing and ecovillages -- people, place, and process.
Communify San Diego is produced by Cohousing California partners, Cohousing Coaches Betsy Morris & Raines Cohen, of Planning for Sustainable Communities, in Berkeley, CA and the San Diego Local Hosts, Patti Shields, Jonah, Mesritz, Andrea Carter, and Mariah Gayler.
Cohousing California is pleased to promote the work of our organizational partners including the Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC), Cohousing Association of the US, and CASA, the South American regional association of the Global Ecovillages Network.
Tax-exempt donations are welcome through our nonprofit sponsor, the Fellowship for Intentional Community (www.ic.org). Contact
This site, powered by NationBuilder, will help everyone keep in touch after the event.