in the wake of the Oakland Ghost Ship / Satya Yuga fire, the Trump election, Standing Rock, and more - let's come together in a safe space to hear one another, share, take care of each other, and plan together to build community resilience.
Calling all Social Change Agents
Join us for networking activities and breakout sessions that encourage maximum collaboration and learning
• Revitalize your passion for creating a better world
• Share your knowledge and gifts
• Find folks who have common values and with whom you can collaborate
• Nourish established connections
Breakout Sessions: Everyone Can Host One
We want everyone to have an opportunity to:
- Share their knowledge
- Get feedback for a project
- Have a conversation about something you long to talk about
- Find others who have similar goals and interests
Come for the entire event (highly recommended), or just drop in any time.
Snack Potluck: Finger food provided. BYO (non-alcoholic) beverages.
Bring: (all are optional, but preparing beforehand will maximize your experience!)
- Flyers/brochures/business cards to put out on the networking table
- Want/have notices for the bulletin board: Housing, jobs, collaborations events
- Your ideas for a break out session: skill sharing, workshop, facilitated conversation, brainstorming session
11:00 Doors open
- Registration
- Set out networking material,
- post notices (including needs and offerings
- make a creative name tag.
- Put your food on the table.
- Write your “essence blurb”
- Registration
11:20-11:45pm Opening circle: share “essence blurbs” and create the workshop/conversation schedule
12:00-12:30 First session-30 minutes
12:30-1:00 second session-30 minutes
1:00-1:30 third session (30 mins)
1:30-2:00 wrap up/clean up, closing circle: reflections, song, celebration
Want to help? Working together is a bonding experience!
Cost: $10 No one turned away for lack of funds.
In order to make our workshop as accessible as possible and to be inclusive to those with chemical sensitivities, we encourage all participants to try to reframe from wearing scented products, such as scented deodorant, perfume, cologne, scented soaps, etc. For more information about chemical sensitivities and for a listed of scented products, please East Bay Meditation Center.
Co-sponsored by:
A PLACE For Sustainable Living
What people are saying about their experience of Community: Connect!
"Community Connect is for agents of change to harness the power of dialogue and commit each other to sustained action for equity and justice in our communities. Talk to one another about our collective visions for how to bring our networks from where we are today towards what is truly possible through people-powered projects. C:C! is driven by compassion, dedication, and conversation. Face-to-face and heart-to-heart, we call forth the power of hope in order to turn our ideas into practical steps."
Tim Ng of Community Democracy Project.
"Imagine you lived in a small town where you knew your neighbors and you all got together to see how you could best help each other. That's the feeling we bring together at a C:C! event, a place to be held and to offer your support and connection. To learn from and about each other. To share sustenance. To come to a place of deeper appreciation of our selves, our unique talents, skills and connections, our extended community, and the power of asking -- and giving.
As we plan a C:C! gathering, we invite everyone to think about what they need and what they can teach. How they're stuck and where to break out of the box. We look for people with something to share and start a schedule, but there's always lots of room to add more at the door and afterwards.
So come, share, enjoy -- and prepare to be surprised. Be ready to listen and build awareness of one another. And find your way to ask for what you need -- together, we can find creative ways to get those needs met."
Raines Cohen:Cohousing California