National Cohousing Open House Day 2017

National Cohousing Open House Day:April 29Many of the Golden State's cohousing neighborhoods will be participating in the second annual National Cohousing Open House Day, on Saturday, April 29.

We'll include a directory here, tour opportunities, related events, virtual tours, and more. Sign up for updates.


April 29, 2017 at 9:30am - 6:30pm


Cohousing Neighborhoods Near You
2220 Sacramento St
Berkeley, CA 94702
United States
Google map and directions


Cohousing California · 510-842-6224


Jo Galbreath Toni Weingarten Tam Nguyen Aziza Janet George Berven Nicki Guard Anne Crawford Luba Khait Genevieve Ladha Trisha Lowder Daniel Lorence Marina Souza Dias Guyot Abby Rose Lisa Pletka Gina Howard Rachel Bradley Phoebe Weiss AbdulKarriem Khan Jean Rains Marcus Griswold Ann Berlak Kristin Rivers Susan Hagstrom Kim Ridge Dale Evje Josaphine Shehanna Stevenson Josie Ygnatowiz Jennifer Wonderling Shake Anderson Darlene Pagano Amanaa Jenny Guy Colyer Dupont Tashia Tashia Patricia Jeffares Raines Cohen

Will you come?