Meet the new Executive Director of Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC), Sky Blue. Share reports on conferences past and coming right up, get the latest Communities magazine and Communities Directory, and find out what's going on -- bring news from your community/region. Let's build the communities movement, regionally and internationally!
(image: Sky Blue (left) at Twin Oaks Communities Conference)
Join Sky and FIC board member/Cohousing Coach Betsy Morris to share learnings from/about:
• Last week's Resilient Communities/permaculture conference in Hopland (Sky was there, how about you?)
• Next week's second annual West Coast Communities Convergence at Groundswell in Mendocino County
• The Conscious Elders Network gathering in Burlingame (Raines was there, talking about Aging in Community)
• Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) North American partnerships with FIC
• The new Communities Directory (hot off the press), and new research into communities and the benefits of community living.
Plus whatever you are wanting to share or learn about community living.
Community conversation circle, light refreshments served.
Optional no-host dinner nearby afterwards.
$20 per community (or per household if you are not yet living in community). Ignore it if MeetUp says the price is higher because you are bringing friends/housemates/neighbors. Bring 'em all!
Half price for current paid FIC members and EBCOHO Supporting Members/Supporting Member Groups.
Facility is wheelchair accessible, 1 block from Downtown Berkeley BART.