Co-create Retrofit Cohousing in the East Bay

From EBCOHO member Pete Yaroschuk ----- 

Build community while participating in a renovation project and developing your construction skills.

The project could be a multi unit or 2 houses on one larger lot. We will be meeting to develop our vision and funding and identify target properties. I have completed a studs-out gut and renovation of a property and am looking for people interested in participating in a similar project.    

Join Pete and co-host/retired licensed contractor/group house manager Spring Friedlander for a focused look at the opportunities and challenges involved in cooperatively buying and developing an existing property with others in Oakland or other more affordable parts of the East Bay. If there's enough interest, EBCOHO can offer a more in-depth development and financing workshop or launch another fast-track retrofit cohousing community incubator in 2017.  

Temescal Creek, Brookdale Commons, Orchard Cohousing, Quince Cohousing, Golden Gate Cohousing, Hidden Creek Cohousing, are all examples of retrofit communities in the East Bay. What are their differences and commonalities? 

Buying an older multi-unit property costs much less per square foot than a single family home or one already remodeled. What has worked well? What are the pitfalls to avoid? What are the tradeoffs between time and cost now and later? 

And, what should DIY retrofit communities learn from the tragedy of the recent Oakland fire? 

If you think this might work for you, are already actively looking for partners and property, or just curious, here's a chance to meet other EBCOHO members who are willing to roll up their sleeves to co-create  safe affordable homes with you.  

We're asking $10 per adult (free for kids and  current supporting members of EBCOHO).    

If you are completely new to this meetup group and the world of intentional communities you might want to start with an Orientation. Next one is Sunday morning, January 12. 



March 11, 2017 at 10:00am - 11:30am


The Long Haul InfoShop
3124 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States
Google map and directions


Pete Yaroschuk · · (415) 722-4797


Nina prefers Radhika Cestaro

Will you come?