EcoVillage co-creation at PLACE

EcoVillage co-creation workshop at PLACEJoin Paul and Alosha on their complimentary interactive seminar as their share their wisdom and research, from Russia, on how to practically design and build economically flourishing, Intentional Cooperative eco Communities.

Screen_Shot_2019-02-05_at_5.07.04_AM.pngTogether we will brainstorm various challenges which our system imposes on us and come up with solutions for restricted US codes.

They’ll also discuss the integration of the following pillars which pave the way to successful Communities:

  • Beauty, Bio Mimicry and Natural Laws
  • Economy and Cooperation
  • Remembrance through cultural traditions, celebration & play
  • Resilience through Self-Regenerative and Biodiverse Design
  • Unity via a common Vision and individuals' passions & strengths

Sociocracy and the importance of immediate conflict resolution
FREE - Donations will be acceptedScreen_Shot_2019-02-05_at_5.07.37_AM.png
General info:

Introductory Video:

Facebook optional RSVP/discussion:

place-logo.pngAbout the venue, East Bay Cohousing (EBCOHO) partner group People Linking Art Community and Ecology (a PLACE for Sustainable Living), our local tiny home EcoVillage:

Note: This is not directly about cohousing, but many EcoVillages use the cohousing model for their member housing element. And all cohousing neighborhoods are planting the seeds of EcoVillages. Cohousing Coaches Raines Cohen & Betsy Morris are also Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Ambassadors, and hosting a video viewing party at their cohousing community Wednesday night.

February 05, 2019 at 7:00pm - 9pm


a PLACE for Sustainable Living
1121 64th St
Oakland, CA 94608
United States
Google map and directions


a PLACE for Sustainable Living · · 510-842-6224


anwar hasan

Will you come?