We are sharing this invite from our colleagues at The Terran Collective, a visionary network of community makers. Please RSVP using the ticket link on this page so we can track who signs up from our networks. We don't get a discount, but tickets are sliding scale.
Dear Terrans,
We are very excited to announce this 2 hour workshop introducing our favorite community governance system, sociocracy!
We are also thrilled and honored to be welcoming Diana Leafe Christian as the facilitator of this workshop. She is the author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, the pre-eminent book on the topic. Diana has now turned her attention to teaching the principles and practice of sociocracy as one of the most important and valuable skillsets for communities to learn.
Sociocracy is an especially effective and enjoyable self-governance and decision-making method, which Diana highly recommends for intentional communities and other member-led groups. Its Consent Decision-Making process tends to work better than traditional consensus.
When sociocracy is used accurately a group can experience:
- Better meetings
- Getting more done
- Being better organized
- Feeling more harmonious and better connected to other group members!
Diana also teaches a 10 week in-depth course on sociocracy (taught online), and this intro workshop will be a way to see how much interest there is for her to lead this course for our community in the future.
"Learning sociocracy in Diana’s webinar and using it in our urban ecovillage has easily been the biggest catalyst to help our community thrive. I attribute this mostly to Diana’s deep experience and knowledge of sociocracy as used in intentional communities, while her charm and teaching style kept the process light, fun and engaging. I was involved in two communities that failed, so in the webinar I often had the insight, “Oh! We could have saved so much wasted time if I’d known this earlier!” or “Wow, now I know how to avoid that issue in the future.” I believe Diana’s training can help any group bypass the typical difficulties that challenge communities and experience effective, enjoyable community governance instead!”** —Jordan Lindsay, Teal House, Calgary.
About the Instructor: Diana's books are Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities (now also in French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Korean), and Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community. She was editor of Communities magazine for 14 years. She speaks at ecovillage and cohousing conferences, offers consultations, and leads workshops and webinars internationally. She specializes in what works especially well in ecovillages, cohousing communities, and other kinds of intentional communities and member-led groups, and in how people easily and effectively take in, remember, and immediately use the material they’re learning. She has been described by clients as having the ability to make complex issues simple and clear. Her other webinar and workshop topics besides sociocracy include how to start a successful new community, and effective, harmonious ways for groups to become healthy and thriving and resolve the typical interpersonal challenges that can arise in a group. She has taught sociocracy to communities and member-led groups internationally in Canada and the US, Mexico, Columbia, Brazil, England, Scotland, Russia, France, and Sweden. In 2017 she was honored to receive the Kozeny Communitarian Award from the Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC), a lifetime achievement award for contributions to the communities movement. She lives in Earthaven Ecovillage in North Carolina.