Calicoho:Gathering for Area Cohousers Feb 2021

Greetings, California Cohousers. Happy New Year! Cohousing California network map

We're continuing our CaliCoho series of regular get togethers, lately monthly alternating weekdays and weekends, with a virtual gathering at noon tomorrow (Friday, January 15).

This is specifically for people currently living in cohousing in the area to compare notes and share tips, experiences, and best practices; there are plenty of other alternatives for community seekers and founders.

While we always do check ins about what's current for our lives in community and hot topics in the world of cohousing and intentional communities, I'd like to invite us to specifically share this month around the question of:

How are we connecting with our surrounding communities? At a time of forced disconnection, how do we forge and maintain relationships? How does our community connect to the neighborhood around us? How are we getting and giving support? What can we share with and learn from other efforts, both collectively and individually?

We'll gather for an hour and a half including a little time planning future gatherings. Maybe some break-outs for small-group sharing about the challenges and joys of cohousing in the time of CoronaVirus.

Your RSVP here is helpful, even if you think you can't make it, to make sure we've got your up-to-date info.

We will send the zoom link only to folks confirmed to be living in community, so be sure to include your community name or address when you RSVP.

Raines Cohen, Cohousing Coach & EcoVillage Ambassador

East Bay Cohousing / Cohousing California

at Berkeley Cohousing




February 14, 2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm


Your Home via Zoom


Raines Cohen · · 510-842-6224

Will you come?