MTC Forum on displacement and affordable housing

On February 20th, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Bay Area's regional authority in charge of billions of dollars to fund land use and transit projects, is hosting a forum to discuss displacement.

Tell powerful decision-makers that we need action! Too often, marginalized communities are left out of planning decisions that directly impact their neighborhoods. Join us on February 20th to:

• Share your stories of struggle with displacement and gentrification

• Hold people in power accountable for their inaction and advance community-based solutions for the renters' crisis

• Show our collective regional power 

Note: this is not a cohousing-focussed event, but we're supporting it as allies.

Follow the links on the MTC site to learn more and register:


February 20, 2016 at 9:00am - 1pm


Oakland Marriott City Center
1001 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
United States
Google map and directions


Lewis Sawyer Elizabeth Morris

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.