How do we decide who gets to talk about what, when, where?
After our morning introductions, we gather with an Open Space Marketplace – Pitch the topic you want to convene or discuss. We’ll provide a space and time. We’re seeding the group with some highly experienced communitarians and trainers to cover some essential knowledge. But, everyone will learn how to convene a session, by naming it and inviting others to join you.
Whoever shows up is the right group, whatever time you get here is the right time - use the "the law of 2 feet” and stay as long as you are getting something from a session; visit as many or as few sessions as you like, and if you want to spend the time looking at books, movies, or having private conversations, that's fine too!
Each session also needs a time-keeper and note-taker. Convenors facilitate up their ability. Note-takers and Convenors make sure that notes from the session are harvested at the closing plenary, and to a central web-site if they choose.