Welcome to Cohousing

Orientations vary from Saturdays, Sundays, and very occasional weekday evenings, but we hold them every 4-6 weeks.  Come when you are ready!


Cohousing, housing cooperatives, cohouseholding, communes and ecovillages - Intentional communities, transition towns, nonprofit affordable housing, senior "villages" -- What's the difference and why does it matter?



What's living one of these communities really like?  Should I join an existing community or start my own? Where do I find openings?  How do cooperative communities really work?  Who's in charge?  You'll get answers and links to a world of resources at our EBCOHO orientation.



Comments on recent orientations:


Very informative and well-presented. Nice group of people, too (of course!).  
Leslie Hassberg


... I left inspired. Jeff French


...Very thorough, lots of good advice. Raines is a wonderful host. Walter Feigenson


Presentation so knowledgeable, yet relaxed. ... very lovely people i met - ginny


Doors open at 9:30 for a little social time and set up; Program runs from 9:45 to 12:30, including a little more time for networking. Light refreshments available, but lunch is not included.


Agenda usually includes: 

Member introductions, goals and connections. 
Definitions and overview of different types of intentional communities in the Bay Area;  
How to use EBCOHO and other online resources.  
Questions & Answers 
Community-building game or exercise, and time for open sharing on your experience and interests. 

Betsy MorrisCohousing Coach and community organizer, will present and facilitate.


The orientation fee of $20 per household helps cover ongoing EBCOHO expenses. Bring a friend and save up to $5 each; supporting members (and members of supporting groups) pay just $10. 

Your contribution is refunded if you become a supporting member on the spot. (Supporting members get our thanks, a free Cohousing book or Communities Magazine subscription, plus discounts on many of our events).


If you RSVP for multiple people, MeetUp will tell you the price is per person, but relax... it's really just per household. Bring your visiting relatives or housemates. You can pay at the door by cash, check, or credit card. Get your better half or thirds(!) to join you.


If you can't come out with us on a Saturday morning -- fear not! Keep eye on the EBCOHO calendar for what's coming up, Sunday and weeknight orientations, (un)common meals, socials, movies, and other ways to connect. We hope to see you soon.


January 16, 2016 at 9:30am - 12:30pm


The Long Haul
3124 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
Google map and directions


Betsy Morris · 15108426224

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.